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If your partner or civil partner works 24 hours or more a week on average, you can't usually get income-based JSA (contribution-based JSA isn't affected). If they work less than 24 hours, it may affect how much you get. So the answer to your question appears to be yes, you can claim.

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Q: Can one claim contribution-based Job Seeker's Allowance if one's husband is working full time?
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What day does job seekers allowance get paid in to your bank account?

approx after 3 working days after you sign on.

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An attendance allowance is a sum of money paid to cover the expense of someone working somewhere else, for example, away from home.

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I would say no. Anyone of working age and seeking employment is entitled to Job-seekers allowance. Anyone who doesn't qualify on medical grounds is entitled to Incapacity benefit. Someone who has no other income is entitled to Income support. Therefore - no-one can be absolutely poor, as they will always have an income of some sort ! How they choose to spend their benefit is, of course, entirely up to them !

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you can go back to work but you will lose your disability living allowance and jobseekers allowance. it is considered that you get more from benefits than you do from working so it is not advised.

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JSA is for people who are available for, capable and actively seeking work or working less than 16 hours per week. ESA is for people who are unable to work due to illness or disability.

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If you are working on accounting for a business and the allowance for receivables isn't recognized in the receivable control account, it be because a client hasn't paid. It may also be because the accounts have not been reconciled.

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Get a job working in the neighborhood, loan from a parent or save up your allowance(if you have one)

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