Not at all; remember masturbation is completely natural. However if it starts to hurt then yeah, you are probably doing it a little too much...
infinitive: hurt past: hurt past participle: hurt
infinitive: hurt past: hurt past participle: hurt
Was hurt, did hurt, had hurt
present, hurt: They always hurt me. past, hurt: I hurt my knee yesterday. past participle, hurt: She has hurt her knee badly.
Oh, my friend, babies are curious little beings exploring their bodies as they grow and develop. It's completely normal for them to touch themselves out of curiosity or comfort. As they get older, it's important to gently guide them on what's appropriate behavior in private. Remember, it's all part of their journey of self-discovery and learning about their bodies.
The past tense of hurt is hurt - as in - the sailors were hurt when their boat capsized - or - that hurt do not do it again.
The future tense is will hurt.
He had hurt her feelings.Try not to hurt yourself.Ouch. That really hurt!
The past tense of hurt is hurt. For example: "She hurt her ankle while playing soccer."
The present perfect tense of hurt is:I/You/We/They have hurt.He/She/It has hurt.
NO physically it does not hurt. But it does hurt mind and heart.....
It didn't hurt anymore because it healed on Friday.