Marijuana has no physical damage to a user and it does not kill brain cells. It is not addictive. No hang over no psycho behavior like alcohol. It is way better to smoke than tobacco. It is legal to have in California if you have a medical license. If you don't it is still not a crime, never illegal in California since 2003. It is decriminalized in the whole state of CALIFORNIA. Eventually it will be decriminalized state wide by Obama. No damage has ever been reported nor an over dose. you can't over dose but you can overdose on alcohol. A lot of people get alcohol poisoning but continue to drink, ew. The most annoying part is only when i read on the internet that some Americans love to spread false rumors about it being a dangerous drug that is not legal anywhere. Um have you ever traveled outside the country? The rest of the world giggles at that. LEGAL IN BRITSH COLUMBIA, HOLLAND,PERU,MEXICO,Czech Republic and some islands. It is only illegal in the USA, Turkey and some parts of the Middle East. I'm glad the USA can agree with turkey and the middle east on something, ha or not.
It offers neuroprotection, meaning it protects nerves and brain cells. There is also some evidence that it may facilitate brain cell development. The US DHS confirms the scientific research that marijuana can be used as a neuroprotectant and antioxidant, it hold the patent to these uses patent no. 6630507
I can also relive the symptoms of ADD and ADHD as well as help motivate them to do their work.
The consequences of minimal usage are not alarming. Many voices on the subject overplay the impact marijuana has in the development of the brain as not all users are taking the drug every week. A brief outline of these effects on the brain is as follows:
User's are more likely to develop mental problems such as anxiety, depression, etc. This, however, is a varying risk from person to person. Some people may never experience these mental issues.
Short term memory issues is also a common problem linked with the drug, but this is only temporary.
People can sometimes identify someone who abuses the drug by their behaviour.
The main problem with marijuana is that people think that the drug is relatively harmless. This is only true if the user doesn't abuse the drug. I know people who smoke it before they go to bed (marijuana is a great for insomnia relief and other debilitating conditions) and when they wake up (certain strains can be more effective than coffee and are much less addictive than coffee). It can happen to anyone.
Weed is a known bronchodialator to the medical community. This being said it could be effective treatment to a person with asthma as long as they vape, rather than smoke. Smoking deposits tar into the lungs. Because marijuana smoke is rarely filtered this can be up to 4 times as much tar by weight smoked than cigarette smoke deposits, this being said a tobacco smoker goes through 20-40 cigarettes a day while a stoner goes through 2-4 joints of the same weight per day. Marijuana smoke also causes temporary irritation, but it has no lasting effects. Marijuana does not increase your risk for cancer or COPD, let alone cause them unlike tobacco smoking and there are studies that conclusively prove this and disprove the myth and lie alleged by the negative Propaganda.
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The United States Government and several other governmental organizations worldwide have claimed to do statistics on marijuana which show it to be harmful to the brain and cancer causing. However, in the tens of thousands of years marijuana has been in use, there has never been a single cancer death that has been contributed to marijuana use as the sole cause.
Marijuana and primarily active chemical within, THC, binds to chemical receptors in the brain, causing sensations of relaxation and a sense of euphoria. Over time, the use of marijuana will cause a lack a motivation and a determination on being "stoned" constantly or a psychological dependence, which is why people call it a gateway drug to other drugs, in order to feel more intense feelings. However, it does not produce a physical dependence, in that users in withdrawl will not have feelings of sickness and other withdrawl symptoms.
Overall, a strong personality and educated mind will be able to withstand the forces of peer pressure, psychological dependence, as well as see the dangers of more serious drugs like cocaine and heroine, and be able to avoid them. All in all, cigarettes and alcohol are more harmful for the body, in terms of physical damages to the circulatory, respiratory, and immune systems, in addition to the brain, and are legal substances. The damages of marijuana have been exaggerated by organizations and government agencies because of the difficulty of restricting marijuana and the impossibility of a efficient way to tax its sale to the general public, inciting a public outcry in the process. Marijuana actually benefits many cancer, AIDS, Muscular Dystrophy, OCD, and Chron's Disease patients. Its effects allow them to eat meals that they would have otherwise not been able to eat, relieve pain that their bodies cannot relieve with the use of anesthesia and drugs due to the weakness, allow patients with Glaucoma to see due to the expansion of blood vessels in the eyes, reduce muscle swelling, pain, and bleeding in Chron's disease patients, and also calm anxiety, psychosis, and other psychological disorders. The benefits of marijuana outweigh the damages, which are few and far between.
It can cause anti-social behavior and can also cause paranoid schizophrenia.
It does this by interfering with certain neurotransmitters in the brain.
There is currently no cure for schizophrenia however some people like myself manage to remain mostly symptom free.
Schizophrenia is a mental illness defined by having distorted perceptions, hallucinations and hearing voices that tell you things that are frightening. You may believe that there are cameras everywhere and that people are out to get you. You will look at words and they will have a dual "other" meaning that will terrify you.
Schizophrenia is the scariest illness out there for the person experiencing it.
Many people deny the link between psychoactive drugs (such as marijuana) and schizophrenia. However from my personal experience there is a very clear link between mental illness and psychoactive drugs.
1/Some people think it does.
Yes the most convincing reason for we (the "some people") concluding that smoking marujuana can damage your brain and cause serious harm to your well being is the large numbers of very experienced and knowledgeable people who have changed their mind.
For example a highly regarded left wing national newspaper here in the UK called "The Independent" which is one of the three newspapers considered "highest quality" in the UK and read daily by many millions - during the latter part of the 20th century and the first 7 years of the 21st century campaigned vigorously to try to persuade public opinion and the UK and other world governments to DECRIMINALIZE marijuana claiming essentially that smoking marijuana was far less harmful than drinking alcohol or ordinary tobacco smoking, and there were very many proven beneficial medical effects from smoking it.
BUT....on March 8th 2007 the London Independent totally changed its opinion and published "CANNABIS AN APOLOGY", stating unequivocally it was guilty of getting it all wrong during all those years. The newspaper's editorial staff and top investigative journalists referred to new data that asserted marijuana in its skunk' form, is "Far more dangerous than LSD or cocaine or heroin".
Among the wealth of evidence it cited Robin Murray, Professor of Psychiatry at London's Institute of Psychiatry, who stated in his estimation, "at least 25,000 of the 250,000 schizophrenics in the UK would have avoided the affliction had they not smoked cannabis",
Many Politicians have also changed their mind. For example, UK Prime Minister David Cameron also used to favour decriminalizing cannabis smoking when in opposition. He too changed his mind on studying all the research evidence and his UK coalition government has brought in stricter laws in recognising evidence of the brain damage caused by cannabis which ranging from provable loss of concentration to paranoia, aggressiveness to psychosis and emergency hospital admissions involving marijuana are rising, as is demand for rehabilitation treatment.
Alarming data expressed by the UK's top minds is merely confirmation of data from other studies such as a 2005 study on other side of the world at New Zealand's University of Otago which concluded "marijuana smoking can increase the risk of a mental illness by 50%". In Canada former Canadian Prime Ministers Jean Chretien and Paul Martin, the Liberal Party also pushed for many years to have marijuana legalized in Canada but they too changed their mind after reviewing all the evidence of its harmful effects on our brains etc. etc.
So to try to summarize what it is that has changed so many minds. The major side effect from you smoking marijuana is proneness to anxiety and panic attacks. It has been confirmed in an Indian study that a very high proportion of psychiatric patients who took marijuana suffered from hallucinations, amnesia, and paranoia. Other research from USA and elsewhere has consistently revealed use of marijuana causes damage to your respiratory system giving many people such symptoms as a daily cough, chronic bronchitis, more frequent chest colds, injury to your lung structures, pneumonia and increased risk of lung or oral cancer.
Perhaps even more worrying for young people wanting to start a family is studies by the University of Washington ADIA in the United States clearly indicate heavy use of marijuana leads to decreased fertility potential both in males and females. In women the evidence is smoking marijuana may disrupt her menstrual cycle. In males, marijuana has been proved to decrease both his sperm quality and testosterone levels and hydrocannabinol, which is a psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, does pass from a mother to a developing fetus through the placenta . The consequence of that is the fetus growth is harmed or may be killed by any amount of marijuana that is taken in by the pregnant female, and that is in addition to proven fact that any form of smoking does disrupt the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, which can also result in restrictions in the growth of the fetus.
There is evidence from Europe too that the known harmful effects of tobacco smoking are made far worse by smoking marijuana with measurements of patients lungs showing marijuana smoking deposits of four times as much tar as ordinary tobacco smoking, and contains nearly 50% more of the cancer causing chemical benzopyrene than the average tobacco cigarette.
Several studies have found marijuana use damages the human immune system and causes damage to the cells and tissues that protect you from disease. There is controversy from research as to whether use of cannabis and alcohol together really increases likelihood of you becoming addicted to "harder" drugs like cocaine and heroin, different studies having supposedly found varying degrees of correlation between cannabis and use of and other drugs. Some doubters of this link contend this so-called "gateway effect," should really be blamed on the illegality of the drug rather than the drug itself, with contentions expressed that "the grouping of marijuana with harder drugs in law in many jurisdictions is really the reason users of marijuana move on to those harder drugs".
Evidence from other mental health professionals in various countries regarding brain damage indicate that as well as observed links between marijuana use and developing schizophrenia, less consistent associations have been reported between cannabis use and depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts among adolescents, and personality disturbances!
Yes cause mushrooms "magic mushrooms" are a class of narcotic pain killers and the effects can cause pregnancy loss.
There is no penicillin in magic mushrooms.
Magic mushrooms are grown.
No, lepta mushrooms are not the same as magic mushrooms. Lepta mushrooms are a type of mushroom belonging to the Leptotaeniaceae family, known for their distinct shape and colors. Magic mushrooms, on the other hand, refer to psychedelic mushrooms that contain psilocybin, a hallucinogenic compound.
Magic mushrooms are poisonous and that is why you're tripping...
The active compounds in magic mushrooms (and their metabolites, as psilocybin is metabolized into psilocin, which is also present in the mushrooms) bind to a specific serotonin receptor in the brain, the 5-HT2A receptor. Activation of this receptor leads to the psychedelic effects through poorly understood mechanisms. Contrary to fairly widespread belief, these compounds have not been shown to be neurotoxic or cause damage to the brain.
Common names of mushrooms containing psilocybin include magic mushrooms, shrooms, psychedelic mushrooms, and sacred mushrooms.
Magic mushrooms are neither a stimulant or depressant. They are a hallucinogen.
Magic mushrooms are psilocibe mushrooms and they contain psilocibin, which is the active ingredient that makes them psychedelic. When ingested, they cause laughter, hallucinations, mystical experiences and sometimes they can also bring a very scary and bad trip.
Magic mushrooms (also called shrooms or mushrooms) are a type of mushroom that contain the chemicals psilocybin or psilocin. These chemicals cause you to see, hear, and feel things that are not real (hallucinations). Magic mushrooms come in fresh, dried, or powder form. Powdered psilocybin can be inhaled (snorted) or injected (with a needle). Magic mushrooms are also taken as a tea, cooked with food, or added to fruit juice. A person can take psilocybin legally by being in a research study or getting special permission from Health Canada with the support of their doctor. Otherwise, it is illegal to grow, sell, or carry magic mushrooms in Canada.
high temperatures destroy the good stuff in magic mushrooms. You can find more out at