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It depends if Lycopodium is your constitutional type. If you are this kind of a person:

"His psychology is often one of 'I want to be seen as important and high up in the group'. Being viewed as a powerful, accomplished is a high value .Any lowering of status is mortifying. Critical and domineering as a boss. The threat of younger intelligent aspirants to high position is difficult. Depression, irritability and anticipatory anxiety are frequent. Physically they can be spare, sallow with moles and age spots. Weight loss is evident especially in the upper chest and infraclavicular fossa while the middle is well padded betraying blood sugar issues. These people are quite chilly yet enjoy cool air and feel oppressed in a warm stuffy environment. There is often performance anxiety with impotence. The genitals may seem cold and there may indeed be atrophy. Where Lycopodium is indicated expect some digestive issue, commonly a rapid fullness on eating due to flatulence." (taken from Joe Kellerstein).

Then, it will help you. Otherwise, no.

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Q: Can lycopodium help a person to sleep?
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What is another name for lycopodium?

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Compare the spores of Lycopodium sp. and Selaginella sp?

Lycopodium is a clubmoss which is homosporous

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It all depends on the person. But a sure-fire way to help is to ask your doctor for melatonin. This will help them sleep.

What can we help do to you get more sleep?

You can help a person to get more sleep by being quiet while he or she is sleeping. You might also encourage the person to set a standard bed time and to follow this bed time each day.

How is lycopodium taken?

Lycopodium is available at health food and drug stores in various potencies in the form of tinctures, tablets, and pellets.

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Sleep does help the person to reduce the side effects of Dream Water.

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it's to help a person with sleep insomnia.

What type of spores do lycopodium produce?

Lycopodium plants produce spores known as homosporous spores. These spores are all of the same type and give rise to a single type of gametophyte.

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lycopodiumcm it is a homeopethic medicin

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