

Can low iron cause memory loss?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Can low iron cause memory loss?
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Does a low amount of iron in the body cause low energy and a loss of appetite?

i think the loss of apetite is the reson that you have a low amount of iron in your body not the othert way around Iron defitiency causes loss of energy, becoming very distracted in class, alotof spacing out ,anemia ,and sungy nails . i think the loss of apetite is the reson that you have a low amount of iron in your body not the othert way around Iron defitiency causes loss of energy, becoming very distracted in class, alotof spacing out ,anemia ,and sungy nails .

If i get no help for my iron defecency will i die?

you may not die but it will help deteriorate your health because iron is important as of being in the blood and low iron can cause anemia and anemia can cause hair loss,cold and chills and calcium defieciency

What will happen if you have a low ferritin?

It means your iron levels are low. If can cause dizziness and fatigue. You should take extra iron and seek to address the cause of the low iron.

Can low iron cause problems?

Iron is in the blood, so if there is a low percentuage of iron in it, it can cause anemia.

You have gym and how can you get a excuse for your low iron?

I think you should be albe to get a excuse for your low iron cause I know how it is i have low iron to and its hard to do things.

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Yes, low coolant can cause a loss of heat in the cabin.

Can low iron cause shaking?

Low iron does not cause shaking. It tends to cause dizziness, headaches, and shortness of breath. Shaking could be due to low blood sugar or other health problems that should be discussed with a doctor.

Can a multivitamin cause a period to be longer and heavier with extreme dizziness?

NO, You may be low in iron(anemic),which would cause dizziness. Sometimes with loss of blood, especially prolonged loss, you lose a lot of iron. Try eating some red meat,broccoli, spinach,collard greens, kale, etc...or you could take an iron supplement or multi w/iron. Too much can be constipating so drink plenty of water.

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