Yes, the Lidoderm patch can be used for DVT leg pains. This patch has many side affects, so the user should check with a physician before use.
The goal of DVT treatment is prevention of clots travelling, growing and recurring. Also part of this treatment is to avoid leg pain and swelling and further complications.
Yes, There is treatment for nerve pain. Depending on where the pain is, The alteration of heat and ice can help with nerve pain. for leg pain the best home treatment is to relax the leg by sitting and elevating the lower leg. If leg pain persist; the evaluation by a trained medical doctor should sought. be sure to read about DVT and restless leg syndrome.
It could be a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) a blood clot in the lower leg which can break free and move to the lungs where it can be life threatening. Go and see a doctor.
Maybe a thrombophlebitis or DVT.
if you go to a hospital
Deep Vein Thrombosis can occur in either leg, with about an equal occurrence for right or left leg. DVT can also occur in the arms or upper body with a fairly even occurrence for right or left side. Please see related links.
If there is a clot in the leg, a DVT (deep vein thrombosis), when it breaks loose it could cause a pulmonary embolus, which is a medical emergency, and if severe enough could cause death.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot, known as a thrombus, in the deep leg vein.The deep veins that lie near the center of the leg are surrounded by powerful muscles that contractand force deoxygenated blood back to the lungs and heart. When the circulation of the blood slows down due to illness, injury or inactivity, blood can accumulate which provides an ideal setting for clot formation.Symptoms•Discoloration of the legs•Calf or leg pain or tenderness•Swelling of the leg or lower limb•Warm skin•Surface veins become more visible•Leg fatigueLeft untreated, a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can break off and travel in the circulation, getting trapped in the lung, where it blocks the oxygen supply, causing heart failure. This is known as a pulmonary embolism, which can be fatal.
Sequential compression devices are used to limit the number of Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT and Peripheral Edema in immobile patients. It is used to stop patients' blood from pooling in the calf area of the lower leg.
any redness swelling or tenderness? go to an emergency aid clinic could be a DVT ( deep vein thrombosis) which could be swelling. If no swelling could be sciatic nerve. Without knowing your symptoms better all I can say is get to a physician.
leg pain = kaalu vedana (കാലുവേദന)
Signs and symptoms suggestive of DVT include: sudden one sided painful swelling of an extremity; localized tenderness in the muscles of the leg; low-grade fever; and possibly chest pain and shortness of breath. Patients experiencing these symptoms must seek immediate medical care. It should be pointed out that DVT can exist without causing symptoms. Accordingly, patients undergoing high-risk surgery, or those who have prolonged bed rest should be prescribed anticoagulant or blood thinning medications to prevent clot formation.