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Q: Can inhaling bug spray by accident harm you?
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Is bug spray toxic?

Bug spray contains pyrethrin, which is created by the chrysanthemum flower. It's normally considered un-toxic but can cause breathing problems. If you end up inhaling or swallowing or spraying into your mouth bug spray, you should contact 911 since it can harm your inner body.

Can bug spray cause damage to electronics?

Yes, bug spray can potentially cause damage to electronics due to its chemical composition. It is important to avoid spraying bug spray directly onto electronic devices to prevent any potential harm.

How does beetle harm the plants?

The stink bug, AKA the Pinacate beetle can definitely harm your nose if it squirts it noxious spray.

Your dog in-hailed some bug spray and now he is foaming at the mouth why?

Inhaling bug spray can be toxic to dogs, leading to symptoms like foaming at the mouth due to irritation of the mouth and respiratory system. It's important to seek immediate veterinary attention as ingestion of bug spray can be harmful or even life-threatening to dogs.

How do you kill bugs on a hat?

Bug spray. Bug spray.

What should you do about bed bugs?

bug spray or a shoe, get them, if youre infested, then spray bug spray around the house.

How do you beat smashing bug?

with a can of bug spray

How do you stop bug bites?

Bug Spray

Can you die from inhaling bug repellent?

Yes you can, don't inhale it!

How do you wash flat paint with bug spray on it?

Wash the bug spray off with hot water first.

How do you say bug spray in french?

bug spray is 'de l'insecticide / une bombe d'insecticide' in French.

How do you get rid of bees around?

Bug Away or Bug Spray