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Yes, extremely easily, You can get something called pulmonary endocarditis which is an enlarging of the heart due to infection around it. It can be deadly.

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Q: Can infection in your teeth go into your blood and skin?
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An infected tooth can cause death. But it isn't really from infecting your brain. It will go into your airways and swell them up then you can't breath. A tooth infection can become very serious. The infection can go into your bloodstream. A person I knew was very sick; they did all these tests. His wife insisted it was his teeth, and it was!!!!!!!!!

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You shouldn't do this by yourself as you may cause an infection to spread.

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Go to the Emergency Room immediately...and pray!

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you have a infection and should go see a doctor quik

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No, just an infection. Go and see the doctor

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You go to the doctor. It sounds like you might have a bladder infection.

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Urinary tract infection, go to the vet

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they use sences they smell blood and go they use teeth too!