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Q: Can i use warm water in swollen nose?
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Should you use hot or cold compresses for a swollen eyelid?

ONLY USE COLD WATER for a swollen eyelid. Hot water stimulates the cells and makes it more swollen.

What causes a red mark above my nose when warm or hot water touches it?

A red mark above the nose could indicate sensitive skin. Try to use cooler water and keep the area hydrated.

What do you do when you have a stuffy nose?

when you have a stuffy nose you should try to stay in bed for some part of the day, rub vicks on ur neck, chest and forehead and use a blankt and hot water bottle to stay nice and warm, get well soon!!

How do you properly clean your nose piercingvfrom mucus without getting it infected?

Use salt water and warm water. I would personaly use a q tip and salt water and clean the inside with one side and the outside with the other un-used end of the q tip

How do you use warm lemon water to get rid of belly fat?

Warm water and lemon. It works!

Is watering vegetable plants and herbs with warm water bad?

Warm water is okay, but DO NOT use hot water!!

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By using warm water and stirring it around

What kind of water can use in fighter fish?

warm water.

How to effectively clean a baby's nose using salt water?

To effectively clean a baby's nose using salt water, mix a solution of warm water and salt. Use a clean dropper or nasal aspirator to gently squirt the salt water into the baby's nostrils. Allow the solution to sit for a few seconds before using a tissue or bulb syringe to remove the mucus. Repeat as needed until the baby's nose is clear. Be sure to use gentle and careful movements to avoid causing discomfort to the baby.

How do you make your hair more beautiful?

Don't use warm water when you wash your hair. Warm or heat damages your hair. Use cooler water.

What do you clean the inside of a refrigerator with?

Use baking soda in warm water. Rinse well with clean rag to remove gritty feel. You can also use a mixture of vinegar and water, or bleach and water, or ammonia and water. If you use the bleach or ammonia, be sure to wipe down all surfaces with warm soapy water. Or, you could just use the warm soapy water.

How do you relieve the pain of a swollen taste bud?

I have a swollen one right now and read online to use salt and water as a mouthwash it worked instantly finally relief!!