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Q: Can i take my wife's temperature rectally?
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When can you take temperature after having coffee?

Immediately, as long as you take it rectally.

How do you take a pet's temperature?

Animal temperatures are taken rectally.

What is the best way to take a temperature if a patient has hypothermia?

taking it rectally

What is considered a normal temperature for dogs when taken rectally?

A normal temperature for dogs when taken rectally is typically between 100.5F and 102.5F.

Can you take Ambien rectally?

No and there is no valid reason to.

What is best way to take child's temperature?

Probably a thermometer or if you dont have one feel how hot their forehead is with your hand

Where is is the most accurate place on the body to take temp with digital thermometer?

The most accurate place to take temperature with a digital thermometer is typically orally (in the mouth). This method provides a close reflection of core body temperature. Alternatively, you can also take temperature rectally for infants and young children for accurate readings.

Can you measure a dogs temperature in their mouth?

Yes, you can measure a dog's temperature in their mouth by using a digital thermometer. Place the thermometer under the dog's tongue and hold it in place for about a minute to get an accurate reading. However, measuring a dog's temperature rectally may provide a more reliable and accurate result.

Should an infants temperature be taken anally?

Only take an infant's temperature rectally if a doctor or trusted care provider instructs it. Otherwise, the most accurate reading comes from under a baby's armpit.

Where can one find a guide on taking a baby's temperature rectally?

One can find a guide on taking a baby's temperature rectally by visiting the Children's Hospital Boston website. One can also find further information on this topic by visiting the Baby Center website.

Can you take Vicodin in the rectum?

Unless you have it in suppository form (designed to be taken rectally) you cannot use pill formed Paracetamol (Acetaminophen/Tylenol) rectally.