Being over weight or pregnancy
High blood pressure, poor circulation in your veins, congestive heart failure, injury, allergic reaction to a bug or animal bite, serious skin problems, certain medications, certain diseases, overuse or overexertion of the legs or feet; it could be any one of a hundred things happening.
See your doctor or nurse practitioner right away, to find out what is the cause of your foot swellings. The cause might be minor, or it might be a major problem.
Your health care provider is the best person to advise you on what to do to next, to solve your problem.
Umm...i dont see why you would want to...but if you twist your ankle usually it swells up and then leads down to your foot....OUCH...
No; chlamydia will notcause your legs and feet to swell.
Pregnancy may cause your feet to swell.
parts of their bodies do swell up, yes.
Sprain it
if your allergic to something and eat it, your taste buds will swell up which will make your tongue get upset and also swell
Yes, very. It will cause their feet to swell up and their beaks will fall off.
it made there feet swell up and there bones not devolop properly
I think they swell up because blood is not flowing well. If you sit for a long time or where you setted is not comfortable for you lower body part, your blood start not flowing well and not reaching the feet you start swelling!