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If you had unprotected sex then there is a high chance.

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Q: Can i be pregnant if Its been four days of a missed period?
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Could you become pregnant the day after missed period?

If you have missed your period and are pregnant, you most likely got pregnant around 14 days before your missed period.

How many days after your missed period can you know your pregnant?

You should be able to reliably test 1 to 5 days after your missed period.

Your girlfriend missed her period you have not been active in over two months she got her period in December but not yet and is about 13 days past could she be pregnant?

She could absolutly be pregnant!

How soon can you take a pregnant test?

After a missed period about 16 days.

Your period has been late a couple of days and then you missed a whole month and then it came the next could you be pregnant?

take a pregnancy test

If you have unprotected sex the day your periods start and the bloke cums inside you then your period stops the day after does this mean you have become pregenant?

No, you cannot be pregnant unless you are ovulating. You ovulate 14 days b4 your missed period and 14 days after the 1st day of your last period. No, you cannot be pregnant unless you are ovulating. You ovulate 14 days b4 your missed period and 14 days after the 1st day of your last period. No, you cannot be pregnant unless you are ovulating. You ovulate 14 days b4 your missed period and 14 days after the 1st day of your last period.

You missed your period 4 days ago One of the days you had sexual intercourse Are you pregnant?

No because it might have been freak occerance not to. If you miss next months, you may be.

Breast have been tender for four days but you dont get your period for 11 more days are you pregnant?

Personally, sore and itchy breasts were my first symptom. Even before I missed my period. Good luck!

Can you be pregnant and get a negative result 10 days after your missed period?

Yep. It is not very likely, but it can happen.

If you take a pregnancy test three days before your missed period then take on a few days after your missed period an it is positive are you pregnant?

Yes you probably didn't have enough hormone built up in your system prior. But I would def. say you are pregnant. Congrats!

If i you have missed your period for three days now. on the 14Th day after the first day of my period you had sex could you be pregnant?


You missed your period by 3 days and you have watery cervical mucus could you be pregnant?

If you have been sexually active over the past month you could be pregnant. There usually is an increase in cervical mucus when you are pregnant. But to be sure get a home pregnant test at the drugstore.