No intercourse during the wife's period. Because at that moment dirty blood is flowing out of the vagina which might cause health issues and infection
No anal sex because the anus is not made to be a part of sexual intercourse experience. Designed to bring "things" outward, not inward.
If the wife is pregnant and is nurturing milk inside the breast, the husband is not encouraged to suck the milk as it is created for the baby.
Some say that swallowing the semen is also not allowed
Only husband and wife can suck the tongues of each other. None else in Islam is allowed to do so.
A husband and wife do absorb each other's debt. They each become responsible for the debts incurred by the other spouse.
No Islam does not allow a wife to have more than 1 husband. But if her husband dies or her husband gives divorce, she can marry with another muslim.
Yes. Oral sex is permissible in Islam with the consent of the wife. So, as long as she is willing, it it permissible. The two disallowed things are (1) Anal sex. (2) Intercourse during the monthly period. Yes. Oral sex is permissible in Islam with the consent of the wife. So, as long as she is willing, it it permissible. The two disallowed things are (1) Anal sex. (2) Intercourse during the monthly period.
Of Course they can
Yes, both husband and wife can see the private parts of the other. This should per pleasure and acceptance of both husband and wife. see the related question at the page bottom for more information.
In Islam it's not forbidden to live in the family house (it's Mobah) -- as long as there is no harm for the wife\husband, and as long as the wife dressed well in front of the husband's brothers -- to sum up, this is up to the traditions of each family or society
the definition of an abusive relationship is the husband beats the wife or/and the wife beats the husband. they can either cheat on each other or literally beat each other with an item or anything
no never husband can't drink wife's milk in inslamic rules
its a sign of love
Yes, they can be if both of them trust each other.