Yes, but many problems exist for the water-bound sleeper...drowning comes to mind first. The water temp is next because water can pull heat out of you pretty quickly. Predatory animals in the water may also be a concern.
Yes salt water crocodile sleep. The sleep with most of their body submerge neutrally buoyant in the water. Salt water crocs are also very stealthy hunters.
cats can sleep 15 hours a day which is more than how much humans sleep. humans sleep for about 7 hours a day.
Three basic needs of animals and humans are food, water, and shelter. These essential requirements are necessary for survival and well-being.
Chickens do sleep. They sleep at night just like humans.
Food, water, oxygen, warmth, and sleep No that's humans ^
Chimpanzees sleep because they are just like humans. They are closer to humans than any other animal!!
dogs bark in their sleep because they are sleep barking. its like humans sleep talking
sleep inpulse.
No penguins can sleep on water.
Dolphins sleep near the surface. They sleep in the water.
they can go longer with out water than we can and they sleep half the day away