Yes - humans can get diseases from deer but most diseases carried by deer do not transfer very effectively to humans. Most of the cases when deer were a vector for a disease passed on to humans, it was by way of parasites that carried the disease from the deer to a human such as lyme disease transferred by deer ticks from deer to people.
Sarcocystus - a cyst causing parasite - can be passed from deer to people if they consume undercooked venison.
Deer can also host Gongylonema pulchrum - a nematode parasite that is also capable of infecting humans. The vector for getting this one from an infected deer to a human would require ingesting eggs from the feces of infected deer, it is quite uncommon for people to get it from deer unless they get their hands dirty from handling the feces or otherwise get the eggs from the feces on their hands or into uncooked food and then ingest it.
Leptrospirosis which is caused by the spirochete Leptospira interogans. can infect both deer and humans. Infection of humans from contact with deer would probably involve poor hygiene in handling deer carcasses and eating undercooked meat.
a tick is a vector for diseases such as lyme disease, so it can trasmit diseases from animals (deer) to humans in this case.
Some zoonotic diseases are well known, such as rats (plague ), deer tick (Lyme disease ). Others are not as well known. For example, elephants may develop tuberculosis, and spread it to humans.
Humans have affected deer by chopping down trees and deqstroying their homes. So yes humans have affected deer in some ways.
like really deer thy rfgtjki
Since deer are mammals they have live births similar to humans.
Humans hunt the deer and cause the deer's population to decrease. We also take away their habitat by chopping down forests.
yes. Pathogens are diseases
Coyote, bobcat, cougar, wild dogs and humans all eat white tailed deer.
Keeping the deer population under control so there is enough food for all the deer and diseases do not happen plus deer meat is very healthy and delicious
Yes, humans can eat 'deer' meat, it is called venison.
for their edible meat