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It's not a good idea, they are very heat sensitive little animals, and can't cool their bodies very efficiently.

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Q: Can guinea pig be outside in the sun?
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Can you take a guinea pig outside when wrapped in 4 blankets?

Your guinea pig will be totally fine

What do you do if your guinea pig is socked?

if your guinea pig is socked help it dry with a towle and take it inside if it is outside.

Your guinea pig is outside and its five days should it be inside or outside?

In winter, your guinea pig should be indoors. Ask someone to help you search for it.

Should you make a pretend guinea pig for your guinea pig?

Really, the best thing for a guinea pig would be to get it a friend, but if you cannot do this for some reason, a mirror attached to the OUTSIDE of the cage will work too. It has to be placed on the outside, unless it has been tested safe for the pigs.

Can a guinea pig live outside in the frost?

No, do not leave them in the frost! They will die if you do.

Do you have to dry a new born guinea pig?

no the mom guinea pig will lick and eat the outside of the newborn guinea pig and you will not half to dry it or anything, if you watch a hamster or guinea pig giving birth on youtube or something or any animal you will not half to dry it the mom does all the work. trust me.

How would a guinea pig and cat react to being in the same house together?

Just watch that the cat doesn't use claws on the guinea pig and don't leave the guinea pig outside the cage unattended and it should be fine

What do you put a guinea pig in when it goes outside?

u put it in a moveable cage

Should your guinea pig be outside when it is below freezing?

No, because they will freeze to death

How do you clean a geina pig?

To wash a guinea pig you have to have a sink, soft towel, guinea pig shampoo, perfect temperature of the water and a hair dryer ( only if its cold outside ). For more information: Go to:

Will your guinea pig be ok sleeping outside?

yes but only in the summer as if the guinea pig gets too cold i the winter it will die and by the way you will need a huch not a cage as a cage will get too much wind as it has no private bit or shelter and your guinea pig will get wet !

Can you take a Guinea Pig out side in a blanket in the Winter in Georgia?

It depends how cold it is. If you can go outside in a short sleeve shirt and not be cold, it is probably OK for your guinea pig. If it's very cold though, don't take the guinea pig out...even in a blanket!