Going to sleep on speed-based ecstasy would be very difficult until the effects wore off. For this reason, people sometimes take benzodiazepines when they want to come down from stimulants like speed (amphetamine).
take a couple benadryl followed by a couple drinks you should be able to go to sleep after an hour and and a half
Umm... first stop taking ecstasy... then go to a hospital :P
That is the stupidest Q ever you can not
If you choice to do Ecstasy its your choice! many timespeople will go to therapy. but if you want to be strong, try to do it your self!
Go behind the target at 11pm.
you don't go to sleep
try to make it at someones house !
Go to sleep or sleep time...... Go moemoe= go to bed\go to sleep
You go to sleep
It has enhanced the longer lasting high with the ability to go for days without sleep. Overall science created speed and now they need to not make it burn when snorted.
You get into his bed with him and go to sleep
yes, they hardly sleep but they do sleep. they can go a week off of 1 day of sleep