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Q: Can germs passed through the air?
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Can air conditioners cause the common cold?

The common cold can be caused by air induced issues. If the air is not purified, certain spores and germs can be passed through the vents. The respiratory system absorbs these germs and undesirables, which harms the immune system.

Is excrement full of germs?

Yes it has bacteria in it passed through from the body

Where does sick come from?

Being sick comes from the passing of germs between individuals. The common cold can be passed just with germs in the air.

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What is a personification for air?

The air was whistling as it passed through the open door

What kills boy germs?

Boy Germs are inexesistent germs often refered to when a person (often a young girl) is around or in contact with a (often young) boy. Boy Germs can be "passed" through contact or mere presence. Because they are inexistent, they cannot realistically be killed. In a joking manner, some believe "Girl Germs" kill Boy Germs, and Boy Germs can be washed away in a bath or toilet.

How Germs Enter The Nose?

Germs can enter the nose through the air we breathe, especially when in close contact with an infected person who coughs or sneezes. They can also be transferred by touching surfaces contaminated with germs and then touching the nose. Once in the nose, germs can multiply and cause infections.

What two types of contacts are colds spread through?

Yes it is because, there are germs in the air and on other people and objects

How are germs transmitted?

Germs can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected person, such as shaking hands or kissing, as well as through indirect contact with surfaces contaminated with germs. They can also be spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Additionally, germs can be transmitted through vectors like mosquitoes or ticks.

Air germs other invisible things?

air is not invivible

Do germs like cool dry places?

Germs thrive in the heat.It doesn't matter the temperature or the dryness of the air there will always be germs

How is the refrigator able to stop food from spoiling?

It really isn't, but it kind of slows the process. Well, here is the truth: oxygen is passed through a heating element thing, only super cold. Anyway, the cold air naturally prevents more germs from growing on your food. That's how!!