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Q: Can germs get throgh healthy skin?
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Can germs get through healthy skin?

yes if you dont drink enough water

Is your skin supposed to shed?

Your skin sheds for many reasons. It not only helps to rid germs, but we grow new skin regularly, and this is a good thing. It helps to keep skin healthy. So yes, it is normal.

Is it safe to eat skin?

No because you have germs on your skin and you can get sick if you inhale or "eat" the Germs or bacteria

Do germs have healthy atoms?

The atoms of germs are neither healthy nor unhealthy. They are the same sorts of atoms we are made of.

What does skin do in the immune system?

The skin is the bodies first barrier to germs. It keeps out harmful germs and bacteria. As long as the germs don't penetrate the skin, they don't cause harm.

What layer of skin on your body do germs lay on?

The "epidermis". "epi" means "outer" and "dermis" is "skin" The germs would be on the surface of your skin.

Does healthy urine contain germs?

Normal, healthy urine is sterile when it's in the bladder and does not contain germs.

What are the benefits of keeping a child from 5-8 clean?

Cleanliness keeps the skin healthy. The skin is the largest organ of the body and prevents germs and infections from entering the body. This is important for everyone, not just children.

What would germs do to the body if we had no skin?

The body is under constant attack by germs. Luckily thanks to the protective nature of our skin, germs cannot attack the bodily too easily. Without skin, germs would ultimately plague and take over the body as a result.

Are skin germs on Jordan?


What is the role of the skin in providing defense against infection?

The skin acts as a shield and protects the body from outside dirt, dust and other germs. It is the first layer of defense for the body. The skin prevents the entry of germs or substances that can harm the body in any way. Only when the skin is ruptured germs, dust, dirt can enter the body system causing sickness of different kinds. The skin sheds off the outermost layer from time to time thereby removing any harmful organisms that may be present on the skin's outer layer. The skin secretes substances that kill harmful bacteria and promotes the growth of healthy bacteria.

Do germs hide and attack unexpectedly?

No, germs are not alive and attack your body emediantly. Also you can prevent germs by being healthy and washing your body regularly.