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yes it will start to defrost as soon as you put it into your mouth and it could kill you.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

i could give you a brain freeze and/or a stomach ache if you eat too much too fast

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Q: Can frozen drinks harm your body?
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What drinks mixes are sold by Best Frozen Drink Mix?

Various frozen drink mixes are available online mostly alcoholic frozen cocktails such as the Margarita in slush form. You can however purchase non alcoholic versions of popular frozen/slush drinks.

How much does the frozen drinks cost at the movies?

That will vary from city to city.

If a human drinks a little puppy formula will it hurt them?

it can not harm the body, may make you feel a little weird but wont do any damage.but simply who would drink it.

Do energy drinks harm you?

no they do not, although they may do if you drink too many.

Damage or harm to the body is defined as a?

Damage or harm to the body is defined as a...............INJURY!

If a guy friend of yours drinks and constantly like every weekend and wants you to get drunk with him and he knows you are a good girl Should you go for him?

no, no no, and NO!!!! it is not right to break the law and harm your body for a guy

What are the best recipes for making a refreshing frozen drink?

Some popular recipes for refreshing frozen drinks include frozen margaritas, pia coladas, and daiquiris. These drinks typically include a combination of fruit juice, alcohol, and ice blended together until smooth. You can also try making a frozen lemonade or a berry smoothie for a non-alcoholic option.

Why frozen is popular?

Frozen treats and drinks are very popular, particularly in the warmer months. This is because they help people cool off and they are delicious and satisfying.

Damage or harm to the body is defined as?

An injury is defined as harm or damage that is done (to the body).

Does it harm your body if you smoke bath salt?

Yes. Smoking anything will harm your body.

Are energy drinks bad for you if your trying to tone your body?

Yes, even with minimum dosage of these drinks can poison your body

Will eating frozen Snickers harm teeth enamel?

No, snicker bars are soft enough (even when frozen) to not hard your teeth. But keep brushing them :)