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No. If a person is not born with transsexualism and the need to eliminate it, then no pill nor surgery can make them have it. The estrogen is to help eliminate transsexualism and help someone to transition to completely female.

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Q: Can estrogen pill make a man into a transsexual?
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What would happen if a man take birth control pill for his Brest?

Due to the estrogen birth control pills probably will make a mans breasts grow.

Can a transsexual man can still make babys?

Only if he was born a man and still has his male genitals.

Is Matthew a man?

no he is not he is a transsexual

Can you make estrogen artificially?

Estrogen occurs naturally in the human body. There are man-made versions of estrogen such as BPA, which has been know to cause prostate cancer.

Can a man get pergnet by a man?

no , youd have to be a transsexual to be able to be a man and have a baby

How do you bareback a transsexual?

You don't. You do that to a gay man, and a transsexual woman is not a gay man. Besides, if you want to have sex with a transsexual woman, you can wait until after surgery and do it in the front just like with any other woman.

When transsexual men correct their bodies do they get artificial male genitals or are they made from their own bodies?

The majority of the tissue that is used is from their own body, however often implants are used in the place of testicles. Do keep in mind that if a person is of the type that gets surgery, they are transsexual, not transgendered. After surgery, they are neither transsexual nor transgendered, but just a man. Also, you cannot "become" a man. They are a "transsexual man" before surgery and just a man after. The gender after "transsexual" ALWAYS refers to who the person is, not their body. What makes a TS man a man is inborn in their brain and soul and has nothing to do with the body. To call them a woman denies who the real person inside is.

How can a male get the dr to give him estrogen?

a man should not take estrogen because it is a feminine hormone ,a man has testasterone

How can you tell if your sister-in-law is a transsexual?

If she's really a man.

Is Laura ingraham a transsexual?

No. Are you a bipedal worm-man-cow?

How can man become transsexual?

A man cannot become one, since he's born that way. The purpose for hormones and surgery is to stop being a transsexual and get "cured" of it to the extent scientifically and medically possible.

What do you call a man who falls in love with a transsexual?

Your answer lies within your question