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Depends on the person. Mostly no. I can eat cold food without a problem. Like I said it depends on the person.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

No, but it will make you very flatulant and also very oblivious to it.

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Q: Can eating cold food make you sick?
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The common cold is a virus. When you are exposed to the virus you get sick. If you are sick with a cold make sure to wash your hands frequently, don't cough or sneeze into your hands, and don't share drinks and food with other people.

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if you eat breakfast on random days and then not on those days inbetween, then it's your metabolism, (how fast your body uses food).

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Been sick and eating a lot can be cause by a few things. You can either be pregnant or you can be bored.

How can food make you sick?

It can make you sick if the food has gone bad (bad food grows bugs on it, you get food poisoning), or if you have an allergy to the food (a histamine reaction - bits of you swell up, you get rashes etc...), or if you have an intolerance to the food (not a histamine reaction, but some kind of noticable side-effect from eating it; stomach ache everytime you eat a certain food etc... ).

What causes women to feel sick after eating?

A person can feel sick for a few reasons. Some might be.... *Spoiled / "bad" food, food poisoning *Eating too quickly *Eating too much *Allergic reaction to food *Too much movemtn after eating *Acid reflux *Indigestion