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The sugar in Orange Juice may actually keep you awake. Orange juice is a great source of vitamin C but is not used to help sleep problems.

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Q: Can drinking pure orange juice help you get to sleep?
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Does drinking orange juice help nausea?

No, it can make it worse. Try to avoid acidic stuff like orange.

Does drinking orange juice to help swallow vitamins and other pills affect the results of the pills?

NO. I don't see why it would either. It's just a drink. I've used orange juice to swallow pills plenty of times, and nothing has ever happened. So to answer your question, Drinking orange juice to help swallow vitamins and other pills do not affect the results of the pills.

Why don't you get sick each time you drink orange juice?

Drinking orange juice may not prevent you from getting sick every time because health problems typically come from viruses or bacteria. Now, not having orange juice is not a problem. But orange juice has vitamin C, which can help your immune system and would possibly make illnesses shorter and much less severe. It's simply one section of staying healthy, so even though orange juice is true for you, it would not imply you may not get sick.

What to when your consapaidted?

drinking purne juice will help.

Can water help acne?

Of Course! Water is really good for acne . drinking orange juice on an empty stomach is much better . when u wake up in the morning before going to ur school or to ur job drink cup of fresh orange juice :)

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The vitamin C in orange juice can definitely help you if you are sick. Cranberry juice is good if you are having kidney issues

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No, cranberry juice hasn't been proven to help with weight loss.

How does orange juice help plants?

Juice has Vitim c and that's what some plants need.