Yes. But keep in mind that if it sat for any period after being cooked and prior to being frozen, it's crawling with bacteria (with safe food handling, most of this bacteria is harmless, but should the preparer not wash his hands after touching something it could have been inoculated with a hazardous bacteria).
So the frozen "cooked" meat will have to be recooked once it thaws anyway, and most likely feel like you're eating an old shoe since most of the moisture was removed TWICE.
You can if it was deep-frozen raw chicken which was defrosted and then thoroughly cooked in the oven. If the cooked chicken is then deep-frozen it can be defrosted (thawed) and eaten, but should not be deep-frozen a third time.
All meat can be defrosted and then refrozen. It is safe to eat, but will not be as tasty and juicy if meat had not been frozen. This is not a safety issue but a culinary one.
You can use a slow cooker with either frozen or defrosted meat. The recipe should state which you use or the cooking time and temperature will have to be adjusted. Frozen meatballs are excellent in a slow cooker.
No, definitely and absolutely not! It's a recipe for food poisoning.If frozen meat has thawed you can freeze it again AFTERit has been properly cooked. When the cooked meat is thawed, it must not be frozen again. It is just too risky.
You should not take risks with chicken, it must be defrosted before it is cooked, you can defrost frozen chicken in a microwave or drop the meat into warm water and leave for at least an hour to defrost, and check they have before you cook them.
It is not wise to cook a lamb joint from frozen, the centre of the joint would not cook in time and may still be raw when the outermost part of the joint is cooked, the meat should be defrosted in the fridge overnight.
The meat arrives raw and frozen and is cooked via broiler from that frozen state.
Yes, provided it is thoroughly cooked.
If you are asking "Can chicken that has been frozen be defrosted and cooked?" then the answer is yes. If you are asking if chicken that has been frozen, defrosted, refrozen and defrosted again can be cooked than the answer is yes but it's not safe. When you freeze food water crystals expand and damage cells. When you defrost your food, particularly if you leave it on the counter instead of in the fridge bacteria causing microorganisms have the chance to multiple. When you then refreeze it even larger ice crystals are formed destroying even more cell membranes. After this you defrost it again and the microorganisms from before can double. Usually at this point the meat doesn't look or smell so great.
Yes you can, but it will take longer to cook as the meat is frozen.
Food which has been cooked can be frozen, even if it was frozen prior to cooking. BUT Frozen food which has been thawed, but not cooked, should never be re-frozen. Nor should food which was cooked, frozen and thawed.
No, frozen is frozen. But you can refreeze something that has been thawed. You can refreeze thawed meat long as there are still ice crystals on it. Once completely thawed then you need to cook it first then refreeze. This applies to solid pieces only, ground meat once more than half thawed needs to be cooked first then refrozen always.