I not sure if it does but I have dry socket and tge cold on my cheek hurts and feels like it isn't getting warm when insude
This weather is cold
The weather symbol for dry cold air is typically shown as a blue snowflake on a weather map. This indicates cold temperatures without precipitation or humidity in the air.
dry and cold
Dry, cold, and dusty.
Cold and dry
A change in temperature can affect our lives by affecting our food sources. Cold weather may freeze our crop and arid weather may dry out our crops. If we have no food, we die. Our water sources may disappear.
Cold and dry. About the only "weather" they have are occasional dust storms.
The weather in the tropical rainforest can be wet dry hot or cold
A cold front.
It can, just like peoples' skin can be dry and chapped some dogs paw pads are the same way.
Cold weather, dry weather...It dries out your nose.
When the weather is extremely cold and dry at night, there is a higher likelihood of frost forming due to the low temperatures. The combination of cold and dry air can cause surfaces to lose heat rapidly, leading to freezing conditions. It is important to take precautions to protect against frostbite and hypothermia in such weather conditions.