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Certain liquids can greatly affect a person's heart rate. Someone that drinks a lot of caffeine may notice an increased heart rate.

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Q: Can certain liquids affect a persons heart rate?
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Certain types of exercise affect heart rate. When doing certain exercises, like running, dancing, jumping rope, biking quickly, the heart pumps blood faster to get blood to the parts of the body that are working harder then usual.

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I'm not absolutely sure but I know that music is used to trigger emotions so if it triggers a certain emotion it probably will affect heart rate.

How does caffeine affect a persons heart rate and blood pressure?

Caffeine will raise a person's heart rate and blood pressure unless that person has a tolerance for the specific amount of caffeine taken in.

How does heart attack affect the life of the people?

A heart attack can kill people. Sometimes people are not allowed to do certain things invade they have another heart attack. Sent from my iPad.

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