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No. When you hiccup, it is caused by your diaphragm twitching, so food doesn't affect your diaphragm in anyway. but someways to cure your hiccups is to scare someone, drink water slowly, and to say your middle name;) (not really!)

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Q: Can certain foods make you hiccup?
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Can you make yourself hiccup on camand?

It depends on how skilled you are or how unhealthy you are. If you eat bad food, your body may be confused and make you hiccup. And, if you are skilled, you can make yourself hiccup. Personally, I can't do it.

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I don't freaking know...

What do spasms of the diaphrag m do?

Make you hiccup.

Can you make yourself hiccup?

no it only happens 4 wat u eat<--------------------- Actually, you can make yourself hiccup. All you do is suck in air and act like you are hiccuping. The only thing about fake hiccuping is that it makes you actually hiccup.

How To Make Yourself Hiccup?

you can get the hiccups by eating too fast !!

What are some foods that make you smell bad?

Foods like garlic, onions, and certain spices can make your body odor smell stronger and less pleasant.

Why do hiccups make you faint?

It sounds like hiccup induced syncope to me.

Is hiccupped a noun?

No, "hiccupped" is not a noun. It is the past tense form of the verb "hiccup," which means to make a sharp sound when breathing in suddenly due to a spasm of the diaphragm.

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You wouldnt' only by eating certain foods and not eating certain foods.

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because certain foods have chemicals that make electricityAcidic fruits make electricity.

How do you spell hiccup?

you have spelled "hiccup" correctly :) Hope this helped

When was Mr. Hiccup created?

Mr. Hiccup was created in 1983.