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In my opinion yes. I suffered from cracked lips quite a bit over the winter this year and a friend recommended it to me. I actually noticed an improvement by the next morning and it had healed my upper lip completely within 4 days. I was getting worried enough to plan a visit to the doctors if it hadn't improved and I can honestly say that I would recommend it above anything else. good luck!

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15y ago
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14y ago

No. Absolutely not. Carmex really helps your lips when it is dry. I use carmex and it makes my lips much better.

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7y ago

Carmex can be harmful to the eyes although it is not deadly. It shall only cause the eye to burn.

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14y ago

Nope carmex is drug free and it is just in your mind if you think your addictied to it. Hope that helped.

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When did the Carmex lip balm product come out?

The first pot of Carmex came in 1937.

What is CARMEX made out of?

menthol, camphor, alum and wax

Carmex lip balm is available in a variety of forms and what?

Carmex is available in a variety of forms and flavors.

Who makes carmex?

Carmex is made at Carma Labs. Alfred Woelbing invented Carmex lip balm 1937. He made it by hand in his home until moving into a facility in the 1950's.

Are carmex products tested on animals?

No, Carmex does not test their products on animals and is cruelty-free. They do not sell their products in countries where animal testing is required by law.

Why is it harmful to your eyes to look directly at the sun?

It damages the parts in your eyes.

Why is it harmful for your eyes to look directly at the sun?

It damages the parts in your eyes.

Does Carmex work?

I've tried carmex before and it's pretty much done the job for me, if you are wondering what flavor to try I would stick to the original cherry. Hope I was a help! i love carmex. it works wonders for me if your lips are severly dry.

What is the chemical formula for carmex?

The chemical formula for Carmex lip balm is not public information as it is a proprietary blend created by the manufacturer.

What can be harmful to your eyes?

Yes, contact lenses can be harmful to your eyes. If you take it out and scratch it, it will cause irritation and your eyes will go red. Also, if your solution on the contact lenses are hurting, take them out straight away and wash your eyes.

How harmful can a flashlight be?

If the flashlight is turned on and direct beam to eyes, it is harm to eyes.

Is carmex a good chap stick?
