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Q: Can care assistants legally give oramorph to service users?
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Who are the administrators of WikiAnswers?

WikiAnswers is owned by The highest users on this site (they work for WikiAnswers/Answers) are the Community Assistants.

Why is it important to empower service users?

it is important to empower service users so they can have the same rights as anyone else :)

What type of service does BizPortal provide for users of its service?

Bizportal is a service that provides online internet connectivity. It successfully leaves its users satisfied and happy. Bizportal does not disappoint.

Why do service users have rights?

Service users have rights to help them along in their mental stage, for example service users have rights like "The right to access to a GP" if there were not hese rights then people may be treated unfairly or even sometimes abused. Basically they are there to protet the service user.

What is the Freedom of information act 2005?

Freedom of information act(2005)is when they let a service users notes go out to all the professionals that are helping that service user or that are working on the service users case.

What is Freedom of information act 2005?

Freedom of information act(2005)is when they let a service users notes go out to all the professionals that are helping that service user or that are working on the service users case.

What service does Mediaworld provide?

Mediaworld provides an illegal MP3 download service. They provide users with a database of songs to download straight to their computer. As users do not pay to download this music it is an illegal service.

Which network is usually managed by a consortium of users or by a single network provider that sells the service to the users?

Answer: MAN

Empowering service users when providing practical care What sort of care would you need?

empowerment is allowing service users to have as much control over their own lives as possible.

Why is it important that health and social care settings have health and saftey legislation in place?

It depends with legislation you mean. Because most are in place to protect to service user or staff from the service users, such as the health and safety at work act. Other legislation is put in place so that the service users know there rights and the staff know what they can and cannot do with the service users.

Is an Internet service that provides storage to computer users.?

Cloud. :)

How do you fix someone else's profile?

Editing Other Users' ProfilesRegistered users may only edit their own profile page. They do not have access to edit another user's profile, for obvious reasons such as vandalism. Only Community Assistants and certain Advanced Supervisors have access to edit other users' profiles.