

Can bp be cured

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Blood pressure, by definition, cannot be "cured", since a person only stops having a blood pressure when his or her heart stops beating. The goal in treating high blood pressure is to control it.

Systolic blood pressure (the top number in a reading)represents the amount of pressure exerted by the blood within the vessels when the heart beats. Diastolic blood pressure (the pressure exerted between beats, when the heart is resting) is the bottom number in the reading.

The parameters of what is considered hypertension (high blood pressure) has changed over the years. For many years a person was considered hypertensive if his or her readings were above 140/90. In the last few years that has been "adjusted" several times. In general, a person is now considered hypertensive if their readings are above about 130/80.

There is no true consensus as to what, exactly, "causes" hypertension. It's likely there can be a great many unrelated causes, including heredity, certain adrenal tumors, water retention and obesity (which can be a symptom of Metabolic Syndrome X, a condition which includes a cluster of related symptoms including hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes). It is up to your Doctor to figure out the cause of your hypertension and to help you decide how best to treat it. Some options that have been successfully used are weight loss, dietary changes (lowering sodium and sugar intake for instance) and drug therapy. In some cases, it has been claimed that more controversial alternative approaches such as identifying hidden food sensitivities and eliminating these foods has helped. Some people have apparently lowered their blood pressure by conversion to a vegetarian diet, although if the cause of the problem is Syndrome X, the predominant mode of treatment is usually to eat a low-carbohydrate, moderate protein/fat diet.

All in all there are many effective treatment options. What is most important is that you work closely with your Doctor, decide along with him the best course of treatment and then follow through on it.

Good luck!

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