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Q: Can bone growth be detected on an X-ray?
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Why do you have the xray?

Usually to check for broken bones or bone malformations.

What is a nuclear scanning test that identifies new areas of bone growth?

A bone scan is a nuclear scanning test that can identify areas of increased bone growth or turnover. It involves injecting a small amount of radioactive substance into the bloodstream, which is then absorbed by the bones and detected by a special camera to produce images of the skeleton.

What is interosseous lipomas?

The Xray reveals that you have a benign fatty tumor in a bone... inter (inside) osseous (bone)

How is a jaw bone infection detected?

A jaw bone infection can be detected through an X-Ray. An ultrasound can also show an infection in the jaw bone.

Where and why do you use xrays?

You get an xray taken at a hosbital and it is used to see if you have a fractured or broken bone

What if you see black areas on a bone Xray?

areas which are less dense and have allowed more xrays to pass through. eg Black = air, softer tissues. White= bone/ calcification

Which diagnostic technique is most commonly used to visualize a bone fracture?


Can a tumor in the femur bone show up on an xray?

yes, i have a tumor in my femur and that's how they found it.

Can sickle cell anemia be detected from kayotype?

it is detected by periphral blood smear and by bone marrow examination.

How do you diagnose a broken bone?

not only are broken bones painful, but fractures can be easily detected by an xray. where bones are seriously broken, the limb or area may be mangled and disfigured. fractures can be seen in xrays and the area may swell and turn bluish black or appear severely bruised.