Occording to recent Case Studies on Jeevan Panesar it has been found that there is no cure for body odour. In fact the odour seemed to regenerate within 2 minutes and was even worse. Deoderants are useless and showers are ineffective. It was seen that even clothes were useless as the sweat acted as acid.
A UTI can cause a foul odor; and antibiotics will cure the infection.
the odor of your body is occured by sweat.
The genetic disorder Trimethylaminuria causes bad body odor.
Activities that make you sweat can affect your body odor.
Disproportion in the face or body can be cured with plastic surgery.
The genetic disorder Trimethylaminuria causes bad body odor.
Sweat is the water residue that is as a result of exercise or workout.This is called respiration.Sweat causes body odor since sweat also is a way for the body to release materials not needed in the body and this can come out with sweat. When this materials are mixed with the air outside the body the body is a odor called body odor.
no when i was six i didn't even wear body odor i didn't until i was like eleven.
A bacterial infection usually causes a fishy odor, but it can be cured with . Deodorant kills only bacteria to stop the sweat from stinking specially most men not to take care own body.
control your body weight.
body temperature below 35C/heat the body