yes blunt objects can cut. why would you think they can not cut cody?
Yes, blunt objects can cut you...But it's somewhat difficult for them to do so, as they require vast amounts of both energy and force to do so.
yes they can cut you. everbody knows they can cut only people like cody think they can't cut.
A blunt knife's edge is thicker but not sharp. Hence, it is difficult to cut with a blunt knife.
because they are blunt.
Because your knives are all dull. Sharp knives cut tomatoes quite easily.
because you cut yourself easier with blunt things because they slip
Restriction enzymes can leave blunt or sticky ends. This will depend on where they cut the DNA, if they cut at the same point on both strands, they will leave a blunt end, if they cut at different points, they will leave sticky ends. For example: (| represents point of cut) Blunt end ATC|GCTA TAG|CGAT Sticky end A|TCGCTA TAGCGA|T
My scissors couldn't cut my paper because it was blunt. BLUNT means ; not sharp.
the sharp knives work better because they give u a better cut then blunt ones
Yes, they really do send blunt sword-like objects down their throats.
It offers protection to the wearer from projectiles and other sharp and blunt objects.
Yes if the scissors are not blunt.