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Q: Can bleach get into your bloodstream?
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What do you do if you swallow bleach?

I would call poison control or Emergency services such as 911 (000 in Australia, 111 in New Zealand).Drink lots of milk and call the ambulance ASAP! DO NOT VOMIT - it will make the bleach reach your bloodstream faster.

Can you be allergic to bleach?

Dear Reader: Allergies arise from the bodies immune system reacting to sustances which have entered the bloodstream or systems connected to the bloodstream. Almost any thing can cause an alergic reaction in any one. There are common alergies and those which are not so common. In the case you are concerned with "bleach", it may need to be determined if it is the bleach itself or an additive or something the bleach is disolving or reacting with. Even the container the bleach comes in could be disolved in a proportion which causes a reaction in the very sensitive person. Some persons have reactions to taste or smell which make them have allergic like symptoms. Your alergist may help with that and the aformentioned. Dwight

Can you bleach your hands daily?

It would seem unwise to me to bleach your hands every day. I used to work as a kitchen porter and we used a bit of bleach for cleaning difficult-to-remove tea and coffee stains, and I started to get a rash on my hands - especially round my knuckles. My guess is that after a while the skin would crack and bleed, and you really wouldn't want bleach getting into your bloodstream. Bleaching your hands will just make you more susceptible to potentially harmful germs by getting rid of both the "good" and "bad" ones. Also, you may get a rash. It is not meant for your hands. And you should always wear gloves when handling bleach.

Will polyester bleach if exposed to bleach"?

Yes, polyester can bleach if exposed to bleach.

Will polyester bleach if exposed to bleach solution?

Polyester will not bleach if exposed to a bleach solution.

If you give a plant bleach bleach will it die?

i dont think the plant will die of bleach bleach. maybe from just bleach though.

Is bleach a solid liquid or a gas?

No, bleach is a liquid

Do detergents have bleach?

Not all detergents contain bleach. Bleach is a separate ingredient that is typically found in laundry detergents labeled as "bleach-based" or "bleach alternative". Bleach is used to help whiten and disinfect laundry.

Can you use household bleach to bleach your butt crack?

Yes you can use normal bleach to bleach your anus

What does the bloodstream do?

The bloodstream allows your cells to get everything they need. And by that I mean everything!

What is a bloodstream?

A bloodstream is the flow of blood through the circulatory system of an animal.

What is the pH of the bloodstream?

The pH of the bloodstream is normally in the range of 7.35-7.45