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Yes, a woman can become pregnant at any time during her menstrual cycle. It is true that at some points it becomes slightly less likely to become pregnant, but there is always a very real chance of becoming pregnant. The human body is not perfect and sometimes releases a second 'egg' before her normal cycle.

If you are worried about becoming pregnant or making someone else pregnant then please practice safe sex. I would recommend the pill (if a doctor agrees there are no health risks for the woman) and always wearing a condom. Though remember that the pill does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

This website should be more informative:

The bottom line is... sex will always risk the woman becoming pregnant, no matter what precautions are taken. Unless you are willing to become a parent or, as a woman, willing to get an abortion, then think over your choices about sex. Safe sex is sexy!

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Q: Can awoman get pergrant first 10 days after her period?
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When should awoman get pregnant before or after menstruation period?

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No. It's 14 days BEFORE the first day of your next period.

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