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Should be able to! I am an LPN and have inserted many!

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Q: Can an LPN in Kansas insert an NG tube?
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Who can insert NG tube LPN or RN or both?

Both LPNs and RNs can insert a nasogastric (NG) tube. However, specific regulations may vary by state or facility, so it's important to check with your local governing body or institution for specific guidelines on who is authorized to perform this procedure.

Can you reinsert guide wire to blocked NG tube?

You should never reinsert the guide wire into an NG tube. If reinserted into the NG tube, it can puncture through the tube and perforate the esophagus. You should follow your doctor (or whoever ordered the NG tube) ordered flushing instructions only.

When should you extubate?

When the patient can breathe without assistance (I am assuming a breathing tube -- not an NG tube).

Why do they put ng tube in?

An NG tube is used for many different conditions -but in the end they're used for feeding and giving medications to people. Some of the reasons you may need an NG tube are: Gastro disorders, unable to swallow, unable to keep a healthy weight, eating disorders etc.

How do you administer liquid activated charcoal?

PO or NG tube

Why flex head forward when inserting a ng tube?

this position helps place the Ng tube into the esophagus instead of the trachea by slightly blocking the airway and giving an open unresisting path into the esophagus.

What is involved with a feeding tube and is it permanent?

A feeding tube is used to provide nutrition to an individual who is not able to properly feed themselves. The feeding tube involves placing a tube in the esophagus or stomach in order pass nutrients through the body.

WHAT IS THE Difference between dobhoff tube and ng tubes?

A Dobhoff tube is a type of feeding tube that is smaller in diameter and more flexible compared to a traditional nasogastric (NG) tube. Dobhoff tubes are designed to be passed through the nose into the duodenum or jejunum, whereas NG tubes are inserted through the nose and into the stomach. Dobhoff tubes are often used for feeding patients who cannot tolerate a larger NG tube or who require feeding beyond the stomach.

When a patient is intubated do you go NG or OG?

Neither. An NG tube is a nasal gastric tube which is inserted through the nose extending into the stomach to evacuate the stomach contents. An OG tube goes down the throat into the stomach for the same reason. Now there can be a nasal intubation if there is oral surgery being done.

When a patient needs both intubated and a gastric tube can either a NG or a OG be used for the gastric tube?

NG (nasal) generally have smaller lumen. An OG (oral) has a larger lumen size. They shouldn't be interchanged. Check the lumen sizes.

What is the medical abbreivition for NG?

The abbreviation NG is for nasogastric or nanogram.

What should you always do before instilling anything down and ng tube?

Explain the procedure to the patient.