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Q: Can alum be used to tighten the vagima up?
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Can hot water tighten up the vaginia?

no, but i have an uncle who is about 73 years old and he says that alum with knot it right up.

Can alum be for closing up wound?

Alum should never be used for closing wounds or to control bleeding. If you have a deep wound or a puncture wound you should seek medical assistance.

How do you make styptic powder?

Go to the Spice section of Ralph's, Von's, etc.and pick-up A jar of powdered Alum ! Alum was used in styptic.pencils Originally !! Now Styptic pencils are made of " aluminum something

How much alum do you use in swimming pool water?

Alum in a swimming pool clarifies the water. Alum is used in water treatment plants for this purpose and is in the drinking water suply in trace amounts. Alum in a swimming pool clarifies the water. Alum is used in water treatment plants for this purpose and is in the drinking water suply in trace amounts. Alum is a floculant it is cast over the surface of water, as it sinks to the bottom it attaches its self to impurity's in the water eventualy one will note that all of the water has cleared up except for a layer at the bottom, this is normally disposed of leaving clean uncontaminated water.

When was Tighten Up - Electronic song - created?

Tighten Up - Electronic song - was created in 1991.

What is alum made from?

Alunite, bauxite, clay or cryolitemay be the sources of alum. Specifically, alum reduces to a fine powder as long as it remains moistened during the action of the earth's natural weathering processes on alunite. But from the powder to the highly prized crystals of alternative medicine, alum needs to undergo a heating process.Heating likewise is necessary to release alum from bauxite, clay, and cryolite. Bauxite and clay need the help of sulfuric acid and acid potassium sulfate in the process. Cryolite needs the help of calcium carbonate, to end up with alum crystals.

How do you tighten up tie rod on a 2003 Chevy?

You can not tighten a T-Rod end up. If it is loose then replace it.

How do you tighten up the stock on a 7mm auto?

Depends on what you mean by "tighten up the stock", the exact configuration, model and maker. Depends on what you mean by "tighten up the stock", the exact configuration, model and maker.

Where do you tighten the chain on a 200X 3 wheeler?

In the back of it there is an bold by the bottum of your axel you tighten that up then up on top on the right side there is a big bolt u loosen that a little then go back down to the bottom and tighten the bold up and oce it is tight i tighten up you bolt on top

Who did Merle haggard team up with for the 1983 alum Pancho Lefty?

Willie Nelson

What is the benefit of douching with alum?

There is no benefit to douching with alum. Douching in general is unhygienic and unhealthy as it can change vaginal pH so allow for harmful bacterial growth, it can force harmful bacteria further up into the vagina, and it can wash away discharge needed to protect the vaginal walls. Douching with alum is claimed to tighten the vagina, but the vagina cannot be tightened and nor should anyone want to as a tight vagina is a bad thing - a vagina will only be tight if a woman is tense or not fully aroused, thus sex wouldn't be as enjoyable and may cause pain or vaginal tissue damage.

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