In a sense. The tendency to become alcoholic is inherited, but one does not become an alcoholic if one does not drink. Children of alcoholics may be teetotalers, not wanting to be like their parents. Their kids, however, not having had the awful experience of living with a drunk, may drink out of curiosity or rebellion. If the tendency has been passed to them genetically, they have a good chance of becoming alcoholics. Thus, the disease has "skipped" a generation, but only in the sense of not having become active.
There is also a possibility -- if not a probability -- that there is true genetic skipping involved, in the sense of dominant and recessive trait combinations. Not enough is yet known about the details of the genetics related to Alcoholism to be able to state that with certainty, but it would seem to be compatible with what we know about heredity in general.
Yes. There is evidence to suggest that alcoholism and drug addictions may be caused -- at least in part -- by genetics. That is, the addictive personality which so often leads to alcoholism/drug addiction may be hereditary.
If I remember correctly, studies have shown that 75% of alcoholics or drug addicts have at least one blood relative who is an alcoholic or drug addict.
No. There is no scientific evidence to support this theory.
Yes, recessive traits can skip generations because they can be carried in the genes of individuals without being expressed in their physical characteristics.
Autosomal dominant traits typically do not skip generations because affected individuals usually have a 50% chance of passing the trait on to their offspring. However, the trait may appear to skip generations if carriers of the trait do not show symptoms or if there is a lack of complete penetrance.
yes it can skip generations, it runs in my family but skipped me. My great aunt, uncle, aunt and my aunts second born has it but no one else. So yes it can skip generations. I've been looking into this to see if it could be traced and try to see ahead of time if it picks certian generations or is just random.
No, it can skip generations
Your parental genotype. AA X Bb gives two--------AB two--------Ab The recessive trait is masked in this generation. This is how recessive traits skip generations
Skip James was a Mississippi blues singer and guitarist who was born at the beginning of the 1900s and died in the 1960s. His songs have influenced generations of musicians.
Yes it does, although it can skip generations.
traits passed down from parent to offspring but it may skip generations and that are improved through all the generations through the ages like birds and and other animals!
The genes that control/allow coloration may skip generations.
Becasue red hair is caused by a recessive relatively rare gene.
Blue or green eyes can skip generations if the genes responsible for eye color are passed on without being expressed in one generation and then expressed in a later generation. This can happen if the genes for blue or green eyes are recessive and not dominant.