Yes, albinos just have a loss of pigment. I dont see how that can effect permanint ink in a tatoo.
Yes. Nearly all albinos have some form of visual impairment.
Albinos are just natrally white.
Albinos have the same number of melanocytes (cells that produce pigment), but they produce less or no melanin, resulting in lighter or absent pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes compared to non-albinos.
yes they do have plenty of markings. there's different kinds of marking such as the calico or tiger, another are the albinos. there's purple albinos and lavender albinos.
albinos are formed when two sexs make a baby while female is in pyriods
Albinos have very pale skin and gray,white or blond hair despite any race. Albinos have pink eyes but sometimes a light blue.
Albinos are born the same way non-albinos of that species are. There's no anatomical difference
Of course they do!!
Albinos (humans and animals) are no more affected by salt than others of the same species.
Rabbits are tattooed in their left ear.