A person's attitude determines whether adversity causes harm or makes them stronger. Adversity can help people to become more determined and resourceful than those who have had an easy life.
A dictionary is not able to harm anything. It may harm ignorance
Ideally, the most complacent methodology for that degree of lacking timidity; would be cultivating a self oriented convention of utterly fearlessness. The methodology is tolerating adversity; in it's most difficult form without letting emotions effect your management of the adversity, finding ways to resolve adverse situations; with deep philosophical thinking. If you continually survive adversity it will come to a point in your life where you are not afraid of adversity, you will try anything you deem beneficial triumphantly; without fear of having a downfall because adversity is apart of normal everyday life. There is ups and downs to everything, every rise has a fall and every fall potentially has a rise, if you can tolerate adversity without panic.
In sanskrit it is called Ahimsa, Himsa is to harm by words deeds and Ahimsa is the opposite , ie not to harm anything that can sufffer. This was the path followed by MK Gandhi.
Yes. Smoking anything will harm your body.
It's said not to harm anything.
Birds, and anything that will harm them.
Adversity is tough times.
There is no adversity in magnets.
anything harms your body if you do to much of it.
Anything biodegradable