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Answer There may be the occassional woman who can be turned on this way, but not many, unless they are in a male strip club, then watch them come alive. Opinion #2 From a woman: Yes, definitely, many women can get aroused by just looking at men. However, we are more likely to be turned on by emotional intimacy plus touch. So even if a guy is not that hot-looking, if he is caring, listens and is sensitive to his partner, she will be likely to get turned on. Romance doesn't hurt, but it must be sincere. A woman who has a hot-looking but rude and selfish partner will have a VERY hard time getting aroused. That's why many women do not enjoy sex. Either they have been abused by men in the past or their present partner does not respect and care for them. A woman can sense whether she is just being used as a sex object.

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Q: Can a women get sexually aroused just talking to A guy?
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YES, Especially if he just got out of prison =)

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Jeez, it's not a requirement. Some people do and some don't. It may be that she just likes being quiet, or that it just isn't something she does. Roll with it. Be thankful, some women moan so loud it brings the whole event to the point of embarrassment.

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So we had a bit of a problem deciphering your question so we have come up with some options to what you might mean.#1: "When sexually aroused white discharge comes out and will that cause me not to get pregnant?"No it will not prevent you from getting pregnant. When aroused the natural lubrication can turn white and that is completely normal. Lubrication is important in sexual intercourse since it makes it easier for the penis to move back and forth. And an orgasm even makes it easier for a woman to get pregnant.#2: "When a woman get sexually aroused the clitoris comes out and can that cause delay in pregnancy?No, the clitoris gets erect when a woman is sexually aroused and that is completely normal and has nothing to do with fertility.If you mean that it would cause delay of sexual arousal when pregnant it can be the hormones that makes you not sexually aroused. That is common during pregnancy. The hormones run wild and things can change from one day to another.If your question had nothing to do with what I just answered please ask a new one.

Do women get turned on easily?

Just like men, different women respond to different things, and some women are more easily turned on than others. There is a lot of variation. On average, however, despite the stereotypes, women are just as frequently aroused as men.

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