Most likely not. unless she is this weird person than no she cant.
Woman can conceive children at any age as long as they have viable eggs. A 70 year old woman in India just gave birth to a child.
It is not only normal, it is refreshingly healthy.
Women this age can not have children. They have run out of eggs. This would have happened around age 50.
He Lays About 70 Eggs At A Time
70% lay eggs, they are known as oviparous
The population of Hollandia Produce is 70.
I think we would need to know more about this before answers are given. Perhaps as in my neighbours case, also 70, she is still breastfeeding.
what vitamins & mineral need a 70 years ol woman
They lay about 70 fertile eggs and up to 40 infertile eggs.
Somewhere around 130/70
Normally nearly all the duck eggs will hatch, although occasionally one or two eggs in the clutch will never hatch. Of course, in the wild, some eggs are eaten or broken by predators, but those that survive will should hatch, if they have been cared for properly.
70-100 decibels