

Can a vampire tick kill you?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Can a vampire tick kill you?
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What should you do if you lost a tick in your room?

if you want to get a tick of don't kill it when its on you ! after you get it of kill it and check for any left behind legs in your skin .

What is needed to kill a vampire?

You can't kill a vampire - it is already dead.

How do you kill in vampire wars?

WE can kill a vampire using a silwer sword

Does fire kill vampire?

yes, fire does kill a vampire. i don't know how or why but it does.

How do you kill a vampire with a gun?

To kill a vampire with a gun you must use silver bullets.

Your dog has a black legged deer tick what do you do?

kill it

What do you need to look out for when you kill a vampire?

What you need to look out for when you kill a vampire is that you may not have done it correctly and the vampire may come back - and be angry!

How do you kill a vampire bat?

you kill a vampire bat by shooting it or stabbing it with a blade if you face it you better watch out though

Can a vampire kill a shark?

maybe it depends what type of shark and who the vampire is.

What happens if you eat a tick?

Nothing. They will digest in you stomach, and come out as feaces.

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Does sun light on a kill a vampire?

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that sunlight can kill a vampire. The concept of sunlight being harmful to vampires is a fictional trope found in movies, books, and folklore.