Yes. The colourful goodness will make you spontaneously combust if you look at it for too long or get too close.
Just kidding.
No, it can't.
no definitely not!
Yes, and with every pop you kill another rainbow filled creature.
Most people might think Wolverine would kill Rainbow Dash by cuttingher in half while she flies around to knock down Wolverine. However, Rainbow Dashis too fast to be sliced in half; she would knock Wolverine down and kill him and crush his skull by using her hoof. So, Rainbow Dash would win.
I have a male rainbow lorikeet and a male cocktail for about 2 years,sometime i put them out their cage, they do have own cage, they grooming each other feathers seem get well together, but suddenly one day morning lorikeet attack cocktail and kill him,when i find out it was too late!
You shouldn't have killed it because there is no TM Rainbow Wing so know you have no way of getting it back unless you restart the whole game or didn't save it and can replay the battle. sorry.
No, like all boas they are constrictors and squeeze their prey to kill them.
The rainbow does not have pink in it.
Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers
When you get to the metal ball by the Bomb Waddle Dee, kill the bird thingy that's on the ball and then push the ball to the left until you break into a room with 3 pictures. Break the picture with a castle, and the rainbow medal is there.
Rainbow Batter, rainbow frosting and rainbow sprinkles in a rainbow cupcake liner
Rainbow Ponyta looks like a rainbow
The rainbow represents peace.