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That depends on the laws of the country in which you live.

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Q: Can a person work in Home Health Care with a simple assault conviction?
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How can you get a job with a simple assault charge?

If you qualify for it, you can petition to have the conviction expunged.

Can a person work in a nursing home with a simple assault conviction?

No, If you are found guilty and have been convicted you cannot work in a nursing home or child care facility...

Can you own a rifle in pa with a simple assault charge?

If it's an ongoing felony charge, or a felony conviction, no.

Does a dropped simple assault charge go on a person's record in the st?

Any charge that is dropped does remain on your record as an arrest, if indeed you were arrested for it. It just doesn't show as a conviction.

Can you own a shotgun in Texas if you have a simple assault charge?

Is it a pending charge for a felony or a felony conviction? If so, then no. Not in Texas, nor in any other state.

Is first degree simple assault and battery punishable by jail in Florida?

A person can receive jail time for simple assault and battery in Florida. A person can receive a sentence of 6 months to a year in jail.

What is the penalty fr simple assault in Georgia?

a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Maximum of 12 months and/or $1000.00 fine.

In MS does the person have to show proof of simple assault to get a conviction?

Most cases of assault require proof of bodily damage that is more than trifling in nature, i.e. deep bruising, broken bones, abrasions, soft tissue damage. ADDED: If the case has proceeded to the point of prosecution, I'm assuming (a dangerous thing to do) that the prosecutor has photos of the victim's injuries taken at the time. If they do, THESE are presented to the judge (or jury) and , alojng with the testimonry of the victim, they will be sufficient to get a conviction, or not.

Can you get jail time for a simple assault charge in the 3rd degree and a harassment charge?

Yes. A person can receive a jail sentence for almost any criminal violation. Other factors can enter into the decision besides the crime that has ended in a conviction. The person's past criminal record (if any), their "attitude", and so forth.

Can a person go to jail simple assault in Texas with no record?

That is entirely up to the judge. It IS possible.

How long should a simple assault take to make an arrest?

there is no such thing as a simple assault

What is the crime committed if a Person was kick and gun point at him?

Depends on the penal code where it happened. Could be assault, assault and battery, battery, attempted manslaughter, attempted murder, simple assault, aggravated assault, assualt against a minor, etc..