

Best Answer

You should watch the Family Guy episode "Petarted." I know it's a cartoon, but it should answer your question.

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Q: Can a person be so detached of reality thinking he is genius when the opposite is true?
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Oposite of genius?

Idiot and imbecile are two words that mean the opposite of genius.

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What is the opposite of retarded?

Possessing a genius level of intelligence.

Who is the genius man in history?

You're probably thinking of Albert Einstein.

What is the opposite of ignoramus?

An ignoramus is an ignorant, stupid person. The opposite would be a very smart person. An example of the opposite of an ignoramus would be a genius.

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Aristotle was pretty much a complete genius which is the exact opposite of myself.......

What is the name of that website where the genie tells you which actor that your thinking of?

Akinator, the Web Genius; try the link below.

Whats the opposite of genius?

The opposite intellectual extreme was once referred to as a moron, idiot, or simpleton. There are many terms, most equally offensive, such as dullard, dimwit, dope, birdbrain, or numbskull.

Is genius hard or soft g?

Genius is a concept that encompasses exceptional intelligence, creativity, or talent across different domains. It is typically considered to be a "hard" attribute, as it often requires rigorous thinking, problem-solving, and innovative ideas.

Do traditional IQ test measure divergent thinking?

Well in a sense, it could. There is only one answer to most questions but you have to think differently and creatively in order to get them. It is not an accurate way to measure divergent thinking but those who have high iq have genius level divergent thinking

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genius, genius, brillance, genius, genius..........

What 6 letter word is the opposite of ignorant?

astute, bright, clever, crafty, genius, shrewd, brainy, with it, adroit, expert, versed, expert, gifted