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If a man is a virgin, he doesn´t need to prove... the one who will actually have the pleasure of beeing the first - will sure find out that she has a virgin in her bed.

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Q: Can a man prove that he is a virgin?
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Can a doctor prove your a virgin or not?

No, despite common belief, a doctor cannot prove that your a virgin.

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Yes she is christian does that prove your answer

What would a man feels if his girlfriend is not a virgin?

Regret for not dating a virgin.

Can a man ever be a virgin?

YES! It just depends if they decide to have sexual intercorse or not. A Catholic Priest (is said to be) a virgin.

Is a virgin woman more pleasurable to man?

To some men a virgin is more pleasurable; to others they want experience.

Virgin girl amd not?

Virgin girls have not had sex with a man. Those who have, are not technically virgins anymore.

How man know girl is not virgin?


How can you know a man is virgin?

yes is possible,it works for both (man,woman)follow this I know my girlfriend is virgin or man this video is coyotegus5 of youtube channel

Is Muhammad a virgin?

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was a man. He married and had children. He was not a 'virgin'. It was Hazrat Maryam (Marry) who was a virgin.

Is it hard to marry a virgin man?

no, they are nice guys

If a man is still a virgin at 25 is he probably gay?


How can you tell that a man is not a virgin?

there's no right way or wrong way to tell if a man is a virgin or not if you don't feel comfortable enough to ask him then don't bother to think about it.