Yes. The "cherry" is slang for the hymen. A thin layer of tissue around the top of the vagina that will slightly tear during a females first insertion. This can also be done by something as simple as inserting a tampon.
A girl's "cherry is popped" when she has sex with a man for the first time.
Yes you can, because if you pop her cherry she is no longer a virgin
A girl's "cherry is popped" when she has sex with a man for the first time.
your a doglet
There are multiple reasons
You can't. It's impossible
when you pop your cherry you feel pain and you bleed
not unless u have this type of plastic surgery not sure the name tho
It hurts the girl either way.
Really, it's just having full sex for the first time, so use tongue, fingers or a dildo, but if you want to do it literally as in breaking her hymen you'll need a vibe or a dildo. If it's her first time at all or first time with another chick it's more important she has a good time
no, because he was inside of you already. Did he pop your cherry? because then you can be definantely sure you arent a virgin anymore. I have one question though, were you really counting?
you see as you insert the fingers or the toys that some women or teens may use. the pleasure themselves until they hit the ball type thingy.... that wuld be called a cherry. once u hit the cherry it will pop once it pops all hell breakes lose then you start bleeding for most virgins they seemed to be worried about the blood.....but its all good everything in life happens for a reason