A girl can get pregnant on any day of her 28-day cycle, even on her period.
A girl can get pregnant any day if she's not using protection.
my sister got pregnant after a tubal it was almost 7 years to the day she had three boys crazy thing is she had a girl with this tubal failure so she was blessed
yes a girl can get pregnant when she has her period...thats how majority of persons who cannot conceive succeed by having sex on their "day" .
how much time does an average person spend reading a newspapers in 3-day period
well it matters witch day and month you started
Seize the day by Avenged Sevenfold
If she was pregnant it would be highly unlikely for her to get her period, however if she wasn't pregnant she should still get her period like normal.
yes ur pregnant nice girl keep yo legs shut
They are pregnant for 3 sim days, at the end of the first two days she gets a bigger belly, and on day three there is the baby.