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A doctor may be able to tell if vomiting is the cause of a sore throat. If the vomiting occurs frequently, the throat can become quite sore from the acide in the vomit.

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Q: Can a doctor tell if vomiting is the cause of a sore throat?
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There are many conditions that can cause a severe sore throat including strep throat. Cancer of the throat can cause the throat to feel sore. When you have a persistent sore throat consult a physician.

How do you know if it is sore throat or strep throat?

It's called a sore throat because it hurts. If you feel pain in your throat, that is a sore throat.

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as a abscess is a infection the infection can indeed spread and cause a sore throat Visit your Doctor they will probably prescribe antibiotics if they have already not done so.

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Just take sore throat medicine, if you continue to have pain or swelling see a doctor.

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No, but hypERthyroidism can cause a sore throat.

What are symptoms of adenoviruses?

adenoviruses.infections of the lungs and ears. sore throat. cough, runny nose, white bumps on the tonsils and throat, mild diarrhea, vomiting, and a rash. The sore throat lasts about one week.

Can a urinary tract infection also cause a sore throat?

No, a UTI will not cause a sore throat. Strep throat, however, can cause urinary changes if complications occur, and gonorrhea can cause both urinary symptoms and sore throat. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Can stress cause Sore throat?

Stress probably can cause a sore throat. Even if the stress doesn't directly cause the sore throat, stress can lower the immune system, which makes you more susceptible to any sickness going around.

How is sore throat diagnosed?

It is easy for people to tell if they have a sore throat, but difficult to know what has caused it without laboratory tests. Diagnosis of a sore throat by a doctor begins with a physical examination of the throat and chest.laboratory tests.